Posting keys | Name | Debit\Credit | Account Types |
1 | Invoice | Debit | Customer |
2 | Reverse Credit Memo | Debit | Customer |
3 | Bank Charges | Debit | Asset |
4 | Other Receivables | Debit | Customer |
5 | Outgoing payment | Debit | Customer |
6 | Payment Difference | Debit | Customer |
7 | Other Clearing | Debit | Customer |
8 | Payment Clearing | Debit | G\L Account |
9 | SPL G\L Debit | Debit | Customer |
10 | G\L postings | Debit | G\L Account |
11 | Credit Memo | Credit | Customer |
12 | Reserve Invoice | Credit | Customer |
13 | Reserve Charges | Credit | Customer |
14 | Other Payables | Credit | Vendor |
15 | Incoming payment | Credit | Customer |
16 | Payment Difference | Credit | Asset |
17 | Other Clearing | Credit | Customer |
18 | Payment Clearing | Credit | Customer |
19 | SPL G\L Credit | Credit | Customer |
21 | Credit Memo | Debit | Vendor |
22 | Reverse Invoice | Debit | Vendor |
24 | Other Receivables | Debit | Vendor |
25 | Outgoing payment | Debit | Vendor |
26 | Payment Difference | Debit | Vendor |
27 | Clearing | Debit | Vendor |
28 | Payment Clearing | Debit | Vendor |
29 | SPL G\L Debit | Debit | Vendor |
31 | Invoice | Credit | Vendor |
32 | Reverse Credit Memo | Credit | Vendor |
34 | Other Payables | Credit | Vendor |
35 | Incoming payment | Credit | Vendor |
36 | Payment Difference | Credit | Vendor |
37 | Other Clearing | Credit | Vendor |
38 | Payment Clearing | Credit | Asset |
39 | SPL G\L Credit | Credit | Vendor |
40 | Debit Entry | Debit | G\L Account |
50 | Credit Entry | Credit | G\L Account |
70 | Debit Asset | Debit | Asset |
75 | Credit Asset | Credit | Asset |
80 | Inventory Taking | Debit | G\L Account |
81 | Cost | Debit | G\L Account |
82 | inventory Difference | Debit | G\L Account |
83 | Price Difference | Debit | G\L Account |
84 | Consumption | Debit | G\L Account |
85 | Change in Stock | Debit | G\L Account |
86 | GR\IR Debit | Debit | G\L Account |
89 | Stock inwd movement | Debit | Material |
91 | Cost | Credit | G\L Account |
92 | inventory Difference | Credit | G\L Account |
93 | Price Difference | Credit | G\L Account |
94 | Consumption | Credit | G\L Account |
95 | Change in Stock | Credit | G\L Account |
96 | GR\IR Credit | Credit | G\L Account |
99 | Stock Outwd Movement | Credit | Material |
Posting Keys
DEBTORS DEBIT- 1-9 CR- 11-19
CREDITORS DEBIT- 21-29 CR- 31-39
GL DEBIT- 40 CR- 50
FA DEBIT- 70 CR- 75
Post FI document using BAPI
The accounting documents record changes in values in a company code arising from accounting transactions. They consist of one or more line items (postings), each of which represents an individual transaction posted to an account. When posting an accounting document, the SAP system updates the transaction figures in the accounts to which the document is posted.An accounting document is a representation within the SAP System of the document (for example, an invoice) that triggered the posting.
BAPI ‘BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST’ acts as the interface between your code and standard transactions FB01/FB50.
This document explains the various steps involved to post a FI document using BAPI ‘BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST’ from an excel file.This is helpful to SAP Technical consultants as it gives the details of all the required parameters and data in document posting and validation to check if the GL account in which we are posting amounts is present in SAP database. Transaction code for FI documents are FB01/FB50(Create), FB02(Change) and FB03(Display). In one document, more than 999 line item cannot be posted because BAPI can post up to 999 lines in one document. The file should be balanced for the document to be posted i.e. credit amount and debit amount should be equal. In FI, header table for document data is BKPF and line item table is BSEG.
BAPI ‘BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST’ acts as the interface between your code and standard transactions FB01/FB50.
This document explains the various steps involved to post a FI document using BAPI ‘BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST’ from an excel file.This is helpful to SAP Technical consultants as it gives the details of all the required parameters and data in document posting and validation to check if the GL account in which we are posting amounts is present in SAP database. Transaction code for FI documents are FB01/FB50(Create), FB02(Change) and FB03(Display). In one document, more than 999 line item cannot be posted because BAPI can post up to 999 lines in one document. The file should be balanced for the document to be posted i.e. credit amount and debit amount should be equal. In FI, header table for document data is BKPF and line item table is BSEG.
Various steps involved in posting a document from a file are:
1. Upload data from excel file into an internal table using FM ‘GUI_UPLOAD’ as explained in subroutine UPLOAD_FORM_EXCEL.
2. After we upload excel data into an internal table we need split the data into field patterns into header data and line item data as explained in subroutine ‘SPLIT_INTO_RECORDS’. This splitting is done according to my file format. In header data in the file in line no.2, posting date and header company code. That is why I have used case when 2. And all the other information is present at the lines as described by CASE statement. Line item details start from line number 14, that’s why LOOP AT t_upload INTO w_upload FROM 14is used. User can split the data according to their file format.
3. After the splitting, loop at the line item table and validate the GL account numbers. If the GL accounts are valid, Populate the line item data into BAPI GL and currency tables otherwise append that GL account number into error message table. This is explained in subroutines ‘VALIDATE_GL’ and ‘POPULATE_BAPI’.
4. In case of intercompany postings, in which line item and Header Company codes are different. Find out line item company code currency key and compare if the line item currency key and header currency key given is same or different. If these are different then we need to populate ‘EXCHANGE_RATE’ field of currency table if it is given in the file. Otherwise BAPI itself will fetch the exchange rate between 2 currencies and do the conversion.
5. Above step is required because a document is posted in 3 currencies document currency, company code currency and group currency. In case of the intra company code postings all the currencies are same so the amounts are same In all3 currencies. But in case of inter company code postings the currencies are different so the amounts are also different. Due to this we need to give and exchange rate base on which the BAPI will convert the amounts.
6. Next step in document posting is to check the data using BAPI ‘BAPI_ACC_DOCUMEN_CHECK’. If this BAPI do not return any error message, go to next step otherwise display error message given by BAPI.
7. Post the document using BAPI ‘BAPI_ACC_DOCUMEN_POST’. Check for sy-subrc, if initial; commit the work using ‘BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT’. This step is explained in subroutine ‘POST_DOCUMENT’. While providing header data in W_HEADER work area do not provide OBJ_KEY, OBJ_TYPE and OBJ_SYS, these are automatically populated by BAPI.
This document explains the various steps involved in FI document posting from excel file. Main steps involved are uploading and splitting data into internal table, Populate data into BAPI tables and call BAPI to post the documents and committing the transaction. A sample source code is given for the references.
Note:In case of intercompany code postings, if the exchange rate between 2 currencies is given in the file, programmer should pass only the exchange rate given. Currency value conversions will be done by the BAPI. Also Field status group configurations of GL accounts are not considered by BAPI as it is bypassed by BAPI, but these are considered when doing posting using FB50.
Note:In case of intercompany code postings, if the exchange rate between 2 currencies is given in the file, programmer should pass only the exchange rate given. Currency value conversions will be done by the BAPI. Also Field status group configurations of GL accounts are not considered by BAPI as it is bypassed by BAPI, but these are considered when doing posting using FB50.
SAP FI Special Purpose Ledger Transaction Codes
Information System
- FI-SL Spec.Purpose Ledg. Info.System
- GRP1
- Report Writer: Display Extracts
- GR55
- Execute Report Group
- GRR2
- RW: Change formula
- Report Writer: Control Tables
- GRR1
- RW: Create Row/Column Structure
- GRR3
- RW: Display formula
- GR22
- Change Library
- GR52
- Change Report Group
- Report Painter
- GR59
- Copy report groups from client
- GRP5
- Report Writer: Delete Extracts
- GR21
- Create Library
- GR23
- Display library
- GR31
- Create report
- GR32
- Change Report
- GR51
- Create report group
- Report Writer Menu
- GR12
- Change Standard Layout
- GR13
- Display Standard Layout
- GR33
- Display report
- GR28
- Import libraries
- GR27
- Export libraries
- GR24
- Delete library
- GR18
- Import standard layouts
- GR19
- Copy standard layouts from client
- GR57
- Export report groups
- GR14
- Delete Standard Layout
- GR1L
- Directory: Standard Layout
- GR11
- Create Standard Layout
- GR17
- Export standard layouts
- GR53
- Display report group
- GR58
- Import report groups
- GR37
- Export reports
- GR38
- Import reports
- GRR4
- Create model
- GR5G
- Generate report groups
- Report Painter: Translate reports
- GR5L
- Directory: Report groups
- GRP7
- Report Writer: Validity of Extracts
- GR3L
- Catalog: Reports
- Editor callup for FI/CO program
- GRP6
- Report Writer: Print Extracts
- GR39
- Copy reports from client
- GRR8
- Import models
- GRR5
- Change model
- GR29
- Copy libraries from client
- GRR9
- Copy models from client
- GRR6
- Display model
- GR2L
- Catalog: Libraries
- GR34
- Delete report
- GR54
- Delete report group
- GS32
- Create/Change Key Figures
- GRR7
- Export models
Basic Functions
- GS01
- Create set
- GB01
- Document Entry for Local Ledgers
- GS02
- Change Set
- GCX2
- FI-SL: Client-dependent user exits
- Transport from Report Writer objects
- GB02
- Number Range Maint.for Local Ledgers
- GS03
- Display Set
- GD13
- Totals Record Display
- GCU1
- Data Transfer from FI
- GS11
- Create Variable
- Maintain FI-SL tables
- GCL2
- Change FI-SL Customizing Ledger
- Definition of Ledger Groups (FI-SL)
- FI-SL: Valid Document Types
- Ledger comparison
- FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward
- Data Transfer from FI
- GS12
- Change Variable
- GCP1
- FI-SL: Local Posting Periods
- GL20
- Number Ranges FI-SL Rollup
- GB05
- Number Range Maint.f.Global Ledgers
- GB03
- Number Range Maint.f.Global Ledgers
- FGM0
- Special Purpose Ledger Menu
- GCP2
- FI-SL Customizing: T001C
- FI-SL: Local Currency Translation
- GD20
- Start Selectin FI-SL Line Items
- GS13
- Display Variable
- GB06
- Reverse Local FI-SL Actual Documnts
- GCE1
- Maintain User
- GCW6
- FI-SL: Exchange Rates
- GL25
- Execute rollup
- GB04
- Number Range Maint.for Local Ledgers
- GCL3
- Display FI-SL Customizing Ledger
- Translation Factors
- GCD1
- FI-SL Customizing: Diagnosis Tool
- GCF2
- Change FI-SL Customizng Fld Assign.
- GP41
- Create Planning Parameters
- GCB2
- Display FI-SL Customizing Comp.Code
- FI-SL: Valid Document Types
- Delete FI-SL Transaction Data
- GCL1
- Create FI-SL Customizing Ledger
- Languages for Report Writer
- FI-SL: Actual Versions
- GS07
- Exports sets
- GB11
- Document Entry for Global Ledgers
- GD23
- FI-SL: Local Actual Document Display
- GS08
- Import sets
- GP52
- Local Source Data to Plan
- OBP6
- G/L: Versions
- GCS5
- Balance Carr. Forward Fld Movements
- GCI3
- FI-SL Table Directory
- GAL3
- Export of G/L acct transactn figures
- Preparation for FI-SL Customizing
- Ledger Comparison Remote
- GCA6
- FI-SL: Field Usage for Distribution
- GD12
- Flex.G/L: Totals Record Display
- GD33
- FI-SL: Global Actual Doc. Display
- FI-SL: Global Currency Translation
- GCA8
- Sender-Receiver Relationship
- GL22
- Change rollup
- GCP5
- FI-SL: Local Plan Periods
- S_P00_07000136
- Transfer Deferred Tax
- GB16
- Reverse Global FI-SL Actual Docmnts
- FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward
- GCT7
- Transport: Cycles
- Quick installation FI-SL
- FI-SL Substitution / Local
- Subsequent Pstng of Stat.Key Figures
- GS17
- Export variables
- GCF3
- Display FI-SL Customizng Fd Assign.
- GA31
- Create FI-SL actual distribution
- GCW1
- Versions for Currency Translation
- GS18
- Import variables
- GS04
- Delete set
- Transport of sets and variables
Validation, Substitution and Rules
- GGB1
- Substitution Maintenance
- GGB0
- Validation Maintenance
- GGB4
- Analysis tool for valid./subst.
- GCT9
- Transport of Validations
- GGB3
- Maintain Boolean Class
- GCT0
- Transport of Substitutions
SAP FI General Ledger Accounting Transaction Codes
- G/L Account Line Items (New)
- Display Balances
- Foreign Currency Valuation
- FSE2
- Change Financial Statement Version
- FBB1
- Post Foreign Currency Valn
- FS01
- Create Master Record
- G/L: Balance Carried Forward
- General Ledger: Default Profit Ctr
- FS02
- Change Master Record
- FB50L
- Enter G/L Account Doc for Ledger Grp
- FS04
- G/L Account Changes (Centrally)
- FS03
- Display Master Record
- S_PL0_86000030
- G/L Account - Balances
- S_PL0_86000028
- Fin. Statements: Act/Act Comparison
- FB01L
- General Posting for Ledger Group
- FS10
- G/L Account Balance
- FBL3
- Display G/L Account Line Items
- F-06
- Post Incoming Payments
- F.52
- G/L: Acct Bal.Interest Calculation
- FAGLF101
- Sorted List/Regrouping
- F-07
- Post Outgoing Payments
- Activation of Open Item Management
- FB41
- Post Tax Payable
- FB1S
- Clear G/L Account
- Reconciliation
- Currency Translation of Balances
- FS05
- Block Master Record
- Assign Gen. Ledger DataSource/Ledger
- Simulation of Document Splitting
- FSE3
- Display Financial Statement Version
- S_AC0_52000887
- Receivables: Profit Center
- FS06
- Mark Master Record for Deletion
- G/L installation
- FV50L
- Park G/L Acct Doc. for Ledger Group
- FBL4
- Change G/L Account Line Items
- F61A
- Bank archiving
- Gen. Ledger:Execute Act.Distribution
- S_AC0_52000888
- Payables: Profit Center
- GLP2
- Flexible GL: Versions
- FSP3
- Display Master Record in Chart/Accts
- OBX2
- CO-FI Table T030B Document Splitting
- FB03L
- Document Display : G/L View
- FSP2
- Change Master Record in Chart/Accts
- FSS3
- Display Master Record in Comp.Code
- Activation of New G/L Accounting
- Maintain Planning
- FSS1
- Create Master Record in Company Code
- Check Archiving
- Gen. Ledger: Execute Act. Assessment
- FST2
- Maintain Account Name
- Gen. Ledger:Execute PlanDistribution
- Post Statistical Key Figures(Actual)
- FSP1
- Create Master Record in Chart/Accts
- S_PL0_86000029
- Fin. Statement: Plan/Act. Comparison
- FG99
- Flexible G/L: Report Selection
- Gen. Ledger: Create Act.Distribution
- General Ledger: Create Act. Assessmt
- Transfer CO Plan Documents in ERP GL
- FSP4
- G/L Account Changes in Chart/Accts
- vc_scenario for Message type 60(PCR)
- Integ.Planning for Sec. CostElements
- FSS4
- G/L Account Changes in Company Code
- FSS2
- Change Master Record in Company Code
- Administr. of Trace for OnlineUpdate
- Number Range Maint. for Doc. Number
- GLL1
- Create ledger
- FSP5
- Block Master Record in Chart/Accts
- FSP6
- Mark Mast.Rec.for Chart/Accts
- Flexible GL: Versions
- S_PL0_86000032
- SAP Structured Balance List
- Gen. Ledger: Execute Plan Assessment
- FAGL_IT_01
- GLR1
- Flex. G/L: Create rollup ledger
- GLR2
- Flex. G/L: Change rollup ledger
- GLR3
- Display flex. G/L rollup ledger
- GLR4
- Flex. G/L: Delete rollup ledger
- Scenario Maintenance in New G/L
- CO - FI Reconciliation
- Open and Close Posting Periods
- Repost CO->FI from Worklist
- Generate Gen. Ledger Extract Struct.
- S_P00_07000221
- EC Sales List in DME Format
- S_ALR_87100802
- Assign Open Items from OI Management
- S_ALR_87100803
- Input Tax Refund
- Gen. Ledger: Set Planner Profile
- FSM1
- Create Sample Account
- Customizing for CO->FI Update
- IMG for New General Ledger
- Blnce carrd fwrd: Summ for P&L accts
- Maintain account determination
- FAGL21
- Create General Ledger Rollup
- FAGL25
- Execute General Ledger Rollup
- Define business process variant
- S_PCO_36000219
- Payables: Segment
- Allocation: acct number - item type
- S_PCO_36000218
- Receivables: Segment
- S_PL0_86000031
- Transaction Figures: Account Balance
- GL10
- Flexible G/L: Transaction figures
- Display Bal.Confirmatns Sel.Criteria
- Delete Transaction Data from Ledger
- FAGL_IT_02
- Display Address for Bal.Confirmatns
- Wizard: New Document Splitting Rule
- Gen. Ledger: Change Act.Distribution
- S_E38_98000088
- PrCtr Group: Plan/Actual Variance
- Define Split Rule
- Wizard: Configuration of DocSpitting
Basic Functions
- FS00
- G/L acct master record maintenance
- Cash Journal
- FSP0
- G/L acct master record in chrt/accts
- FSS0
- G/L account master record in co code
- C FI Maintain Tables TCJ_C_JOURNALS
- C FI Maintain Tables TCJ_PRINT
- GP12N
- FI-SL: Change Plan Data
- FS15
- Copy G/L account changes: Send
- F.56
- Delete Recurring Entry Documents
- F103
- ABAP/4 Reporting: Trnsfr Receivables
- OBY7
- C FI Copy Chart of Accounts
- C FI Maintain View Cluster V_T060K
- OBY2
- C FI Copy company code (G/L account)
- FS16
- Copy G/L account changes: Receive
- F104
- ABAP/4 Reporting: Receivables Prov.
- G/L acct record: Mass maintenance 02
- FI-SL: Excel Upload of Plan Data
- Display Cash Journal
- Cash Journal Document Number Range
- Create G/L accounts with reference
- F.58
- OI Bal.Audit Trail: fr.Document File
- G/L acct record: Mass maintenance 03
- Create Accrual Objects
- Calculate and Post Accruals
- BD19
- Get General Ledger Account
- F.37
- Adv.rept.tx sls/purch.form print (BE
- F.5B
- Accum.OI Aud.Trail: Create Extract
- F.5C
- Accum.OI Audit Trail: Display Extr.
- FBRC009
- Set Up Display Categories
- OBB0
- C FI Maintain table T030 valuatn adj
- Number Assignment for Ext. Tax Docum
- F.5I
- G/L: Adv.Rep.f.Tx on Sls/Purch.w.Jur
- F.5A
- Accum.Clas.Aud.Trail: Eval.Extract
- G/L acct record: Mass maintenance 01
- F.59
- Accum.Clas.Aud.Trail: Create Extract
- FBRC007
- Reconciliation Process Attributes
- Cross-System IC Reconciliation
- Accrual Engine: Acct Determination
- F_TR_01
- Report RFSUMB00 Turkey
- Calculate and Post Accruals
- S_P00_07000329
- Financial Statements
- F_RO_01
- Report RFSUMB00 Romania
- Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs
- S_ALR_87099946
- "Sales Ledger (Chile
- Edit Accrual Objects
- C FI Table T030 GAU/GA0
- OBY8
- C FI Delete Chart of Accounts
- Configuration G/L account record
- GP12NA
- FI-SL: Display Plan Data
- FBRC004
- Define Sets
- FI-SL: Planner Profile Maintenance
- Installation of summary tables
- Install all summary tables
- S_ALR_87099949
- "General Ledger (Chile
- FBRC005
- Define Rules for Document Assignment
- FBRC003
- Set Up Reconciliation Display
- FBRC008
- Maintain Field Catalogs
- Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting
- FI-SL: Planning Tool
- S_ALR_87099950
- "Journal (Chile
- S_ALR_87099947
- "Purchase Ledger (Chile
- ACE Account Assignment
- S_ALR_87099948
- "Cash Journal (Chile
Information System
- G/L Account Line Items
- Vendor Line Items
- Customer Line Items
- F.27
- Periodic Account Statements
- F.2E
- Reconciliation Btwn Affiliated Comps
- F.61
- Correspondence: Print Requests
- F.62
- Correspondence: Print Int.Documents
- FGI3
- Display Report
- FGI0
- Execute Report
- FDI4
- Create Form
- FSI3
- Display Report
- F.99
- Customers: Report Selection
- FGI4
- Create Form
- Vendor Line Items
- Import Forms from Client 000
- F48A
- Document Archiving
- FSI1
- Create Report
- F.98
- Vendors: Report Selection
- Customer Line Items
- FGI1
- Create Report
- FDI1
- Create Report
- FDI2
- Change Report
- FSI5
- Change Form
- FDI5
- Change Form
- FGI5
- Change Form
- F.63
- Correspondence: Delete Requests
- FSI4
- Create Form
- FDI3
- Display Report
- FSI2
- Change Report
- FDI0
- Execute Report
- FKI1
- Create Report
- F56A
- Customer Archiving
- G/L Account Line Items
- F.97
- General Ledger: Report Selection
- FKI3
- Display Report
- FDI6
- Display Form
- S_PL0_09000447
- Withholding Tax Report for Vendor
- FSI6
- Display Form
- Translation Tool - Drilldown Report
- Data Browser BSEG
- FGI2
- Change Report
- FKI5
- Formular ändern
- FKI2
- Change Report
- Report Monitor
- F53A
- Archiving of G/L Accounts
- FKI4
- Create Form
- Transport Reports
- FBF1
- C80 Reporting Minus Sp.G/L Ind.
- Maintain Currency Translation Type
- F66A
- Archiving of Bank Data Storage
- FBF2
- Financial Transactions
- F58A
- Archiving of Vendors
- FKI0
- Execute Report
- Reorganize Report Data
- FBF4
- Download Documents
- FBF8
- C84 Reports
- F53V
- Management of G/L Account Archives
- F64A
- Transaction Figure Archiving
- FC82
- Document C82
- Reorganize Forms
- FBF5
- Reports Minus Vendor Accounts
- Customizing BDF
- Transport Forms
- Transport Reports
- FBF6
- Document Changes
- Maintain Key Figures
- Import Reports from Client 000
- Menu Banque de France
- Reorganize Drilldown Reports
- FBF3
- Control Report
- FBF7
- C80 Reports Minus Sp.G/L Ind.
- FC80
- Document C80
- Background Processing
- FGI6
- Display Form
- S_ALR_87101258
- System Overview
- Maintain Global Variable
- Maintain Global Variable
- Transport reports
- FKI6
- Display Form
- Report Monitor
- FSI0
- Execute report
- Reorganize Report Data
- F.2F
- Management Acct Group Reconciliation
- F.2G
- Create Account Group Reconcil. G/L
- Report Monitor
- Transport Forms
- Import Forms from Client 000
- Reorganize Report Data
- Background Processing
- Maintain Key Figures
- Import Reports from Client 000
- Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.
- Reorganize Drilldown Reports
- Reorganize Forms
- Maintain Currency Translation Type
- Transport Forms
- Import Forms from Client 000
- Maintain Global Variable
- Background Processing
- Maintain Key Figures
- Transport Reports
- Import Reports from Client 000
- Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.
- Reorganize Drilldown Reports
- Reorganize Forms
- Maintain Currency Translation Type
- S_P6B_12000136
- MM/FI Balance Comparison
- S_ALR_87101046
- Reconciliation Accounts
- S_ALR_87101238
- Display Change Documents
- S_ALR_87101048
- G/L Account -> Transactions
- SE16_KNA1
- Data Browser KNA1
- S_ALR_87101219
- Check Table Logging
- S_ALR_87101047
- Transaction -> G/L Accounts
- S_ALR_87101173
- Depreciation Simulation
- S_ALR_87101178
- Depreciation
- S_ALR_87101179
- Depreciation
- S_ALR_87100986
- Balance Sheet Key Figures
- S_ALR_87101164
- Cut-off Incomng Invoice List Vendors
- S_ALR_87100876
- Audit
- S_ALR_87101103
- Line Item List
- S_ALR_87101005
- Document Journal
- S_ALR_87100990
- Comparison
- S_ALR_87101169
- Audit
- S_ALR_87100975
- Audit
- S_ALR_87101117
- Open Items (Batch !)
- S_ALR_87101055
- "Items
- S_ALR_87101009
- G/L Account Balances
- S_ALR_87101276
- IDoc List
- S_ALR_87100994
- Account Detail Information
- S_ALR_87101180
- Audit
- S_ALR_87100979
- Total of Documents (Batch)
- S_ALR_87101151
- Security Deposit
- S_ALR_87101069
- FI Outgoing Invoice List
- S_ALR_87101013
- "Download / Export (2nd Phase
- S_ALR_87101319
- Balance Sheet Values by Account
- S_P9C_18000153
- Audit
- S_ALR_87100998
- Audit
- S_ALR_87101184
- Audit
- S_ALR_87100983
- Profit and Loss Projection
- S_ALR_87101160
- Bill of Exchange Own Liability
- S_ALR_87101091
- Line Item List
- S_ALR_87101017
- Audit Private Folder
- S_ALR_87101324
- Infotypes and Subtypes
- S_ALR_87101002
- Compact Document Journal (Batch)
- S_ALR_87101188
- Asset Acquisitions in Foreign Currcy
- S_ALR_87100987
- Account Balances to be Compared
- S_ALR_87101166
- Cut-off AR List Debitor
- S_ALR_87100886
- Balance Sheet Key Figures
- S_ALR_87101110
- Cut-off AR-List Customers
- S_ALR_87101006
- Document Analysis Doc. Database BRF
- S_ALR_87100991
- Chart of Accounts
- S_ALR_87100976
- History Display
- S_ALR_87101126
- FI Incoming Invoice List
- S_ALR_87101057
- Comparison
- S_ALR_87101010
- Financial Statement Data (Baetge)
- S_ALR_87100995
- G/L Accounts
- S_ALR_87101181
- Investment Support
- S_ALR_87100980
- Balances (Batch)
- S_ALR_87101073
- Program Description
- S_ALR_87101014
- Program Description
- S_ALR_87101320
- Display Infotype Definitions
- S_P9C_18000154
- Count Document Headers
- S_ALR_87100999
- Audit Interactive List
- S_ALR_87101185
- Audit Asset Balances
- S_ALR_87100984
- P&L Plan Data
- S_ALR_87101162
- Guarantees Given
- S_ALR_87101097
- Individual Value Adjustments
- S_ALR_87101018
- Export from BRF
- S_ALR_87101325
- Schema Directory
- S_ALR_87101003
- General Audit
- S_ALR_87100988
- Structured Account Balances
- S_ALR_87101167
- Due Date Analysis for Open Items
- S_ALR_87100887
- Balance Sheet Key Figures
- S_ALR_87101111
- Audit Cut-off
- S_ALR_87101007
- Request
- S_ALR_87100992
- Account Assignment Manual
- S_ALR_87100977
- History Display
- S_ALR_87101058
- Transaction Figures (Batch !)
- S_ALR_87101011
- "General
- S_ALR_87101287
- Program Analysis
- S_ALR_87100996
- G/L Accounts Marked for Deletion...
- S_ALR_87101182
- Insurance List
- S_ALR_87100981
- Open Items (Batch)
- S_ALR_87101074
- Program Description
- S_ALR_87101015
- Export from SDF
- S_ALR_87101322
- Display Infotypes of an Object
- S_ALR_87101000
- Posting Totals (Batch !)
- S_ALR_87101186
- Audit Current Book Value
- S_P6B_12000144
- Display Change Documents
- S_ALR_87100985
- Balance Sheet and P&L (ABAP)
- S_ALR_87101163
- Cut-off AR List Debitor
- S_ALR_87101101
- Line Item List
- S_ALR_87101019
- Export from BRF
- S_ALR_87101326
- Directory of Personnel Calctn Rules
- S_ALR_87101004
- Update Interrupted?
- S_ALR_87100989
- Audit
- S_ALR_87101168
- Totals and Balances
- S_ALR_87100974
- Comparison
- S_ALR_87101112
- Audit Cut-off
- S_ALR_87101054
- Normal Documents
- S_ALR_87101008
- List (Batch)
- S_ALR_87101274
- Statistical Evaluations
- S_ALR_87100993
- Account List for Company Code
- S_ALR_87100978
- Transaction Figures (Batch)
- S_ALR_87101149
- Credit Customers Down Payments
- S_ALR_87101059
- Open Items (Batch !)
- S_ALR_87101012
- Data Procurement
- S_ALR_87101305
- G/L Account Balances
- S_P9C_18000152
- Audit
- S_ALR_87100997
- List (Batch)
- S_ALR_87101183
- Other Capitlzd In-House Prod.
- S_P6B_12000123
- F/S for Special Purpose Ledger
- S_ALR_87100982
- Last Year's Balance Sheet
- S_ALR_87101159
- Bills of Exchange Payable
- S_ALR_87101089
- Line Item List
- S_ALR_87101016
- sdfg
- S_ALR_87101323
- Display Infotypes According to DDic
- S_ALR_87101001
- Line Item Journal (Batch)
- S_ALR_87101187
- Audit
- Data Browser ANEA
- Data Browser BKPF
- S_ALR_87101194
- Check standard user passwords
- Data Browser BSEG_ADD
- Maintain Global Variable
- Reorganize Drilldown Reports
- S_ALR_87101201
- Currently Active Users
- Maintain Global Variable
- S_P6B_12000135
- List of GR/IR Balances
- Data Browser MARA
- S_ALR_87101279
- RFC Trace
- S_ALR_87101152
- Domestic
- FXI4
- Create Form
- S_ALR_87101146
- Sales to Affiliated Companies
- S_ALR_87101155
- International
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